Cyber Security

Malware protection is optional for most users of consumer computer operating systems. It is not optional for robots like Autonomous Vehicles that operate in environments that can kill or injure humans. 

Cyber-Security cannot be an afterthought in the design of an operating system for robots. Trying to plug security leaks in a large software implementation as an afterthought will not lead to a secure, trusted system. XOTAR’s focus on trustworthiness and reliability/robustness requires a strong commitment to cyber-security which we put above rushing products to market.

XOTAR has implemented a comprehensive framework for network intrusion prevention into XOTAR’s OS/R Operating System. We also implement an advanced security architecture for over-the air updates. We have an additional architecture for our infrastructure that supports back-end Simulation/Training  and our development/deployment infrastructure to ensure that all trained behaviors are  committed only after functional compliance with constraints the company maintains on allowable behaviors. Our machine learning technology is constrained according to a protected architecture the company maintains proprietary control over.

XOTAR also maintains security measures across component suppliers and service and field replaceable components.

The following are a few references that cover various aspects of Cyber-Security and Network Intrusion Detection.




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